My Other More Exciting Self

Farm Raised, Shoe Enthusiast, Turkey Talker, Wine Lover, Mom

Thursday night has commenced and it’s just Joe and me around home tonight. Teacher Man has his second night of parent-teacher conferences this week so he will be rolling in later, presumably exhausted but no less excited about the weekend coming up than we are. Here are the Thursday night particulars thus far: Pizza: Domino’s. (We …

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Here’s my deal with Turkey Tuesday. I want to show you some unexpected ways to switch to turkey in recipes that are not only delicious but also relatively easy to make and (generally) family friendly. That’s not asking for too much, is it? I didn’t think so. 🙂 Take The Pioneer Woman’s Three-Cheese Stuffed Shells …

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Contrary to popular myth, gardens are still growing and flowers are still blooming in Minnesota this time of year. Granted, it won’t be long before we get a hard freeze and we’ll be putting the gardens to bed for the winter. For now, though, there are still plenty of blooms to enjoy before that happens. …

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How was your weekend? We had gorgeous fall weather here in Minnesota – sunny and 60s for temps, plus not too windy. While my favorite season is summer, I will say that October weekends like we just had are quite stunning. I only hope we have a few more of these days before the early stages of winter …

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As we wind down at our house with pizza, wine, and football (oh, and some math homework) on a Thursday night, I am pleased that the weekend is almost upon us. I am also pleased that I will be getting a new Macbook Pro laptop for my office tomorrow as I am beyond tired of …

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Home to Homestead

Composting. Cultivating. Cooking.

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Agricultural with Dr. Lindsay

Hear the stories, understand the practices, and engage with the people who grow and raise your food!

My Other More Exciting Self

Farm Raised | Shoe Enthusiast | Baking Queen | Mom

LC Hanby Hudgens, writer

formerly Charming Farming

Midwest Barbie Blog

A midwestern girl trying to keep up in a barbie world. Becoming her own kind of beautiful on the prarie.

Illinois Farm Girl

Farm Raised, Shoe Enthusiast, Turkey Talker, Wine Lover, Mom